Wireless Nonsense is a short animated film created by the talented Victor Espada, he has been working on this for two years and during the summer of 2021, he gave me the opportunity to create the entire sound design and soundtrack for it.
It's one of my most precious work, the one I'm the most proud of, because of how much work it represented, how much liberty I had and how heavy, emotionally, the project was for its creator.
We wanted to get the spirit of PS1 era fighting games like Tekken, full of phasered and flangered pads, some DnB inspired drums and overall an inspiration by Japenese electronic music producers form the 90's and early 2000 that represent the early years of MP3 and the digital sound in video games.
I hope my profile has been a big, bright, shinning star for your musical desires, if so, use this form to ask me anything and let's start doing something bonkers. Love <3
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Wireless Nonsense is a short animated film created by the talented Victor Espada, he has been working on this for two years and during the summer of 2021, he gave me the opportunity to create the entire sound design and soundtrack for it.
It's one of my most precious work, the one I'm the most proud of, because of how much work it represented, how much liberty I had and how heavy, emotionally, the project was for its creator.
We wanted to get the spirit of PS1 era fighting games like Tekken, full of phasered and flangered pads, some DnB inspired drums and overall an inspiration by Japenese electronic music producers form the 90's and early 2000 that represent the early years of MP3 and the digital sound in video games.